A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
She broke his trust? what was that supposed to mean?
Daichi did not get what she was talking about and even when she explained, that she had cheated, he still stared dumbfounded at her. That was until it sunk in and he finally understood. But he did not get it. Why would Kurumi who he thought of as his big sister would cheat on Jonathan who was like his big brother?
He remembered that Jonathan had been away sometime ago until he magically appeared again. "So because he went away for some time and didn't hear from him...you went to another guy and cheated on him instead of waiting?" that was what she was confessing right? His voice sounded different though, it was controlled politeness that even the Slytherin did not know he could do that.
Lewis? So he was in this too? Was it his fault that Kurumi got swept off her feet and cheated on Jonathan? Had he done some kind of spell? Because Jonathan and Kurumi had been happy together right? riiiight? "I....really hate betrayers" he said with yet again his controlled voice. But his eyes softened though. "But i also don't want to lose our friendship" It was true, Kurumi had helped him so much over these two years and he just did not want to loose her as a friend. And he trusted her when she said that Jonathan was happier now, so why continue hating. Hating was such an ugly word.
He fell silent again as he tried to take all the information in. He was silent until Kurumi decided that staring was rude and answered his question about the kiss. "O-oh" he muttered and bit his lower lip again, a habit of him. "Uhm...i kissed Indiana..." he suddenly and bluntly confessed and he felt his cheeks flame up that he had to look away. "But..i don't know if -if i should ask her out...should i?"
YES, the EWWWW Girls are GROOOOSSSS guy had kissed one~
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