>:) Beeezus and MORDY O_O (Promises self to make more than 1 post in this class) Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Alright, time for Charms again.
Oakey stood at the entrance of the class and checked himself over, He made sure that today he would not wander the grounds before this class. Therefore the sole's of his shoes wouldn't be muddied up. He patted down his robe to check for any unwanted dirt that may have clung to him on his way to Charms.
He didn't look immaculate, but he could certainly pass for decent enough to attend Bellaire's class.
Oakey stepped in and looked around. for any open seat to stand by. He spotted one in the back and hurried over to claim it. When he entered he placed his things on top of the desk and stood completely still until he heard some one whisper Dread. Looking forward he spotted Beezus in front of him and just had to ask. "What's Dreadful? I'm perfectly fine" He realized then that Beezus wasn't speaking with him and followed her gaze to the person beside him..."Mordy!" Oakey said in a loud whisper.
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