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Lislchen Another Potions lesson. And Professor Lafay looked even worse than last time. A lot. This time Lewis may have stared at her a second longer than could be considered normal polite behavior but only because he was so shocked by her appearance. If she kept getting worse like she was now Lewis wasn't sure what she would look like for their next lesson. Or if she would be present for it.
Or if she was even going to have a choice of whether or not to be present.
"Good day, Professor." Bowing his head slightly in greeting, Lewis walked past Professor Lafay's desk, still glancing at her once in a while with a rather wary look on his face. She probably wasn't exactly someone who would ask for help even if she needed it so he wasn't entirely sure what to do. "Do you think we should...do something?" He whispered to Kurumi once he'd taken a seat next to her, his eyes still on the professor in the front.
He hadn't even read what the class would be about, nor had had the chance to wonder what that implied.
Kurumi had momentarily turned her attention to her parchment, just long enough to write her name, the date, her house, and then the subject matter of the lesson before Lewis pulled her away from her thoughts. She didn't greet him with the usual blushing smile - there was no way she could after the question he had asked and the quick glance she had taken towards Professor Lafay again.
Chewing on her lip for a moment, the Gryffindor thought back on the conversation she had had with Sierra. The Slytherin said that her mother was going to be fine, that she was getting better...but it was becoming clear now that she wasn't and was getting worse. Kurumi glanced over her shoulder at Sierra again and felt as though she were watching herself a few terms ago. Violet eyes back on Lewis now, Kurumi scooted her chair a little closer to him and lowered her voice. "
She wouldn't accept any help last lesson," she whispered. Not to mention that the woman often assumed that such offers were people's way of brown nosing. "
Maybe we should just be sure to keep an extra close eye on everyone while we brew a potion? Assuming we do that is. Make sure that something bad doesn't happen that could cause her stress?"