For whoever wants it. Mention of Violet though. :3 The Kisapaths | Sila!Roti | -2 | TouchableHair | ToiletPaperGuy | QueenOfConfusion Lewis slowly made his way down to the Common Room from the dormitories, rubbing his eyes and face until it had a rather red hue to it. Not that he was aware of that. Nor was he aware of the fact that his hair was a complete mess and half of it was even still slightly wet from when he'd splashed water onto his face a couple of minutes earlier. Not that it had helped getting rid of the way his eyelids felt as if they were made out of lead.
To sum up he hadn't slept much last night, or the night before that, and was now trying his best to come up with ways to keep him awake for this little Badger get-together some of his housemates had come up with. And he really had to be present for obvious reasons. One he was their Prefect, and two he should probably start getting to know some of his fellow Hufflepuffs. Which included his Co-Prefect who he had only spotted briefly on the train and then sometimes across the corridor but had not actually talked to.
Did that make him a bad Prefect?
Not that he really wanted to think about that right now. To be honest he didn't really think about anything but he should probably at least look as if he was enjoying himself. So when he finally entered the Common Room he put on a small - slightly forced - smile as he allowed his eyes to wander around the room for a moment to take in the changes that had been made. If he had been any less tired he would have for sure been genuinely smiling at what the other Badgers had put together.
As it were though he soon found himself moving towards one of the couches, hoping that nobody had seen him enter and would want to talk to him. And why did some people think it was a great idea to yell that loudly? They were all within earshot so there was absolutely no need to shout. His eyes briefly flicked over to the noisy girl (Violet) but were too heavy to do anything apart from resting on her for a couple of seconds. Ah, there was the couch at last. Maybe he could just stay here for a while and try not to doze off. |