Minerva was so excited. All the planning was finally coming together. As she came back down from the dorm she carried extra blankets and some pillows she had found so that there would be enough for everyone. She also had on top of the blankets a few board games for students to play.
She hoped the puffs would like this event and she really hoped that it would help bring their house some unity and spirit. Frowning as she came in there wasn't many there yet, but she was still hopeful that this could be a big success. Belle had movies, she had the games, Ella was bringing the gummy worms, plus everything that Professor Hadley had set up for them.
Placing the games down on a table Minerva turned, "Hey Ella, everything looks great." she smiled excited that they decided to bring it all together so that everyone would be with each other all night. Then she walked over and placed the blankets and pillows in the corner, "Think this is enough for the blanket fort?" She giggled.