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DaniDiNardo She wasn't sure if she was understanding at first so with furrowed brows she raised her hand. "...So then...you expected us to fail so that we could learn...?" She would have never thought a Professor would take that course when teaching a lesson but she had to admit it made sense. Half the things she learnt were threw trial and error.
As for any questions about what they would be doing next, she had none. For now she would wait to see how the lesson went.
Fail was such a cruel word, because Isabelle never viewed it that way. To her not getting a spell correct was just part of the learning process, not a failure. But maybe some people saw it differently.
"No one is ever perfect when they start out, Miss Cambridge. if it was so easy to learn new spells there would be no need for this school, you could just do it at home." In a world where underage magic was allowed outside of school, obviously.
"I merely want you all to try and do complicated things because you won't be able to go through life taking the easy option."
But anyway, on with the lesson, it's why everyone was there.
"Okay, as there are no questions just yet, I shall demonstrate the spell." Isabelle moved swiftly in to the back room and came back with an armful of black bags. Yes they would be using them again. But this time, they had been split down the middle to make it easier to wrap them around the legs of the mannequin - which she proceeded to do to one of the ones at the front. Dragging it forward a little, she placed it in a central position so they could all see.
"Now, this spell is VERY similar to the last one, with just a slight change in the first word and the wand movement.... So please pay close attention." flicking out her wand, Issy took a step back and cleared her throat. Pointing it downwards, she flicked up, then down again in an upside down V shape. As she did so she said clearly and concisely
"Summitto Vestis!"
The bag began to elongate and split some more, taking the shape of a pair of
trousers that came down to the mannequins ankles and stopped.
"There we go. I won't say it's simple to accomplish, but there is no reason why you can't all get something of note done in this lesson and your homework later. As you saw the wand movement is like an upside down V, sort of like two legs. It's the same even if you're wanting to make a skirt, by the way. And you need to put emphasis on the last part of each word - 'Summ-ITTO Vest-IS'" It was a lot simpler than it seemed though.
"If you want to go ahead and try it out please do, but if you want to ask me anything first go right ahead. Bags are here and already split down the middle for you to attach them better."