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Maxwell sighed. "Yeah...crap dad...i forgot i need to write him soon before i get a howler.." He said remembering the letter Elliot had gotten from her own father. "Yeah, i know...you are.." He said smirking, he loved that she was always right. Max felt like he could ask her any question and she'd know the answer. Maxwell smiled at her softly. "Please stop me if i say something too weird or anything, but Minerva...you're one of the most beautiful girls i've ever met, and you're brilliant...probably the smartest witch in our year...and you know about football and you love the simpsons..." He said gesturing to her outfit. "And your hair is the coolest...in all respects you're like the perfect girl and any guy that doesn't see it isn't worth you.."
Minerva chuckled a bit, "Forgetting to owl Jack.. hmmm I think it would be entertaining to see you get a howler. I haven't seen one in awhile." she joked with him. She hadn't seen a student get one in a long time, but she really wouldn't want to see Maxwell embarrassed like that.. Now someone else hmm, maybe that would be fun. Shaking the evil thoughts out of her head she went back to the conversation. Minerva then got a smirk on her face and placed her hands on her hips acting all big, "I know you know.. It's good you know I'm always right." she then giggled, knowing she could never be that conceded.
Minerva then felt awkward, not an uncomfortable awkward, just a not able to take a complement well awkward. She felt her cheeks warm, "Oh, I'm glad you think so Maxwell. You might be one of the only guys that think it." She smiled at him knowing she had a great friend, even with his little temper or jealousy or whatever it might be. "I think your a bit bias as well. You know you don't have that many girl here that know American Football." she grinned and then laughed, "That makes you biased." Then she looked at her skirt and laughed, "I just know what I like is all."