Winter Wonderland? At first the fifteen year old had found the whole affair ridiculous, but when he noticed the amount of students it had attracted, he caved in and decided to be a part of it. You know what? It wasn't so bad until a certain corner blinded him. Not literally. PINK! Too much pink. What in Merlin's pink tutus was all that? Eyebrows knotted and a sceptical smile on his lips, Thane marched on. The throne should have been the only pink item. It looked as if a pink unicorn had barfed all over the set up. And besides..."Isn't the headmistress a little too old for pink?" Thane stated casually to the person next to him as he stood in the back of the line, musing whether it was the right thing to say.
OOC: Anyone! Or even the Headmistress!