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Old 10-13-2012, 07:16 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 101

A sinking feeling twisted Thane's stomach as he walked further down the corridor. The dark, gloomy passageway seemed far from inviting; he ought not to be here, at least not on his own. The thought made him cringe; he had never felt this out-of-place. The hufflepuff sighed, and rounded a corner, following the faint voices that echoed down the corridor, leading him right into a pair of girls - Slytherin girls. Or not. He'd have to find out on his own. "Excuse me, I need some help." Thane forced a smile, his gaze bouncing between the two girls, "I think I'm...lost." Boohoo for being fifteen and lost. Shame.
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