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Old 10-13-2012, 06:39 PM   #25 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sarah Edwards

Gryffinclaw-Ravendor • The REAL Hermione Granger

Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post

Bunz smiled politely and pretended to follow the Gryffindor child's rambling about pink... well, at least the topic was somewhat relevant and interesting... "I prefer rose shades, Miss.... sorry, what was your name again?" She was sure the girl had written on the letter she submitted, but Anastasia had not yet had the opportunity to read those letters, see.

She nodded again and then raised an eyebrow. "My birthday is January 1st, New Year's Day." Note that she left the year out. "When's yours?"
"Edwards" Sarah replied."Sarah Edwards" It was a good thing that she was infamous enough for the headmistress to know who she was. The headmistress knew who Laura was and Alexa...

Sarah made a mental note of Janurary first not hard to forget... first birthday of the year...
"I was born at 7:27am on the twentieth of February 2066" Sarah rattled off. Yeah, details were important...
She had a lot of questions to ask the headmistress. Well Sarah liked asking questions... she was just curious you see. She wanted to know if the headmistress had children, if yes how many? Where was she from... what house was she in...what was her favourite book...did she like she a morning person or night owl... Does she prefer quidditch or gobstones... what her favourite subject was in school... Through questions she satuated her inquisitive mind.
So she decided to ask some of the questions. "What subject did the Headmistress like best in school?" Well Sarah liked most transfiguration, well actually she liked most subjects.. she just did not like Bellaire and Lafay...
"Does the headmistress prefer transfiguration to charms?" Sarah did, but she thought her opinion of charms would be higher if she had a better teacher...
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