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Cassandra Tay sighed, "I dont know whats wrong... I am just moody, okay? We are on good terms, Damon." She pouted then glanced at Min, "We literally just got here... this is the first room after all." Taylor forced out a laugh.
Originally Posted by
PuppySara Damon sighed, "Well, it's not like you to be this way unless your upset, so I figured I should ask." He looked to Min and forced a small smile, "Yeah... Great."
Minerva looked at the two of them while she bounced in the chair. Hmmm, this was not going they way she hoped and she had been in such a bad mood when she first came knowing everyone would be leaving to go on break and she would be here alone. She had just gotten in a better mood and was not going to have it ruined by her friends fighting. Trying her hardest to get out of the chair. This was not working so well. Finally she pulled her self up and adjusted her sweater. Looking at them, "I think I'll venture to another room, see you guys soon." she frowned, but then tried to smile.