Listening to Professor Magnus for a moment, Kurumi's eyes lingered over towards her mannequin - or Kurumiquin as Vivi had helped her name it. How had the entire thing gone? It hadn't been all that bad...minus one detail...
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How had she done? Awesome, hopefully. Vivi considered her time working the spell with Kurumi before raising her hand to offer her own observations. "It seemed like some types of materials were hard or nearly impossible to transfigure using this spell, which could be limiting, I suppose. Can you make metal rivets or zippers from the original material, Professor? I had a lot of trouble with zippers."
Bingo. That right there.
Nodding her head as Vivi spoke Kurumi ended up raising her hand more subconsciously and before she realized that she had, her hand was fully raised. Oh, she should probably speak then. "
I had the same problem, professor," Kurumi said, her head still nodding up and down. "
I found that trying to transfigure elements that were not fabric based either just didn't work or came out wonky. I ended up using Covadium on the broach bit."