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Old 10-13-2012, 03:12 AM
BanaBatGirl BanaBatGirl is offline
Default Seminar Two: The Bell Jar

The classroom you enter is bright and well lit. It's not too large; just spacious enough to fit the students. Rows and rows of small desks line the walls, each equipped with it's own ink well, quills, and parchment for taking notes. There is also a jar of paste and a bowl of hard pasta for you to use, but you shouldn't touch those just yet. Next to them sits a nametag for you to wear.

As you sit down, you notice an old man at the front of the room. He looks very spiffed up, with his dark suit and tie creased to perfection and his shoes all shined up. The man has a goofy smile plastered on his face, and he looks so funny that, for a moment, you don't realize that he's sitting in a wheelchair. In front of his chair sits a large object. His arms are protectively draped around it, but you can see bits of it where his arms cannot reach. It's a giant jar, made of pure crystal, that seems to light up the whole room. The elderly person looks at it almost affectionately, but he tears his gaze away when he notices you.

"Come in, come in!" He exclaims, beaming at you. "Sit! Relax. Oh— and you won't mind sticking on a nametag, will you?" He pushes the jar behind him and wheels over to the door, greeting students as they enter. Come on inside! Take a seat. Mr. Sherman Clark is waiting.