Text Cut: Edmund & Gideon
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If he hadn't been so worried about Kitridge's sanity, Ed might have eyed the prefect with a 'What? It was only once' expression plastered all over his face. He did double take when he heard Laura call Kitridge 'Sir', though. He'd never heard her speak to an adult that way and he'd known her long enough to realise this was a sign of respect. Respect. From Laura Hyde.
He somehow managed to tear his gaze from his now respectful friend and look straight back at Kitridge. At least he hadn't told him to go away. "Of course." He nodded to the seemingly devastated man before kneeling down next to the books and deciding that stacking them wasn't a good idea. Not if they had pages ripped out. He was going to do this one by one, just to show Kitridge he respected books as much as the Librarian himself did.
Glancing up at the mention of the torn out pages being about maladies, he frowned. That was extremely strange, and it seemed to completely unnerve the man since he'd started shaking. "Mr. Kitridge?" He spoke quietly, his concern showing clearly now. When the guy asked the remaining students to go and search the library, Ed almost dropped the book he'd picked up. Almost. He must have been out of his mind to send Laura searching for the unknown. He, himself, was concerned for her, what with them being friends and all. His brown eyes fixed on the young Puff. "Be careful." If they came running to Kitridge, Ed was definitely going to follow the guy, because that meant there was danger.
He finally stood and started to move the books over to the table Kitridge had indicated, one at a time, with extreme care. The poor books. It almost brought tears to his own eyes. While he loved playing pranks and having some fun around people who'd probably freak out when he did something stupid, he hated seeing books mistreated. Knowledge was power and these books held the key to knowledge. Maybe they could get some knowledge from the torn out pages. Hm.
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"Brown"]Gideon watched as the librarian started to give out tasks, taking some control of the situation despite still seeming quite shaken. When he was shown the torn out pages Kitridge held, he had to admit he had no clue as to the reason. Had they all been on that subject? The prefect hadn't really noticed what the wounded books he had already touched had been about. "I don't know..." he answered the man truthfully, noticing another change seemingly taking hold of him.
He nodded however as his own job was given to him. "Aye...of course," Gideon responded with a nod, the seventh year leaning down to do as he was asked. With a bundle in hand ready to move towards the table, he looked concerned at the older man. "Ye alright, Mr. Kitridge?" Sure it had to bother him with the destruction to his library, but there seemed an inkling of something else possibly. Not that Gideon had any clue what that might be, if he was right about noticing anything.
Wands at the ready?
Suspecting more trouble than ripped books? What in Merlin's beard?[/COLOR]
Mr Kitridge stood in what could only be described as a daze of non-feeling. Beside him Gideon and Edmund was rounding up the books and ripped out book pages on the table he had indicated. It was easy to see they two seniors had a kinship to books and were as devastated and nonplussed as he was about why somebody had done what they had done. Shaking his head Leo said to boys.
"I’ll be fine in a minute. Let’s just repair the book’s and then see if we can make some guesses as to who or what ripped the book pages out in the first place." It was just so unexplainable. Pulling out his wand he motioned for Gideon and Edmund to do the same.
"A simple reparo spell should do the trick." Focusing on one of the book’s with it pages next to it Leo mumbled
"Libra reparo." The book repaired itself slowly in front of his watchful eyes.
Text Cut: Search squad
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A lot? That was not a lot. "SURE Sir" said Sarah as she held out her wand. She made a mental note not to do anything if more books were found in such a state rather call the librarian..A lady with a mission headed off walking next to all the bookshelfs one at a time. Also scanning the space on top of the books for any books hanging around.
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To Vickers, seeing books in such state of ruin is pretty much like a charity worker encountering war-torn refugees-- worrying first about their current physical and mental state and caring much later on who made them refugees in the first place.
But the Librarian gave his instructions and glancing at the young Hufflepuff and Gryffindor it would be best that an upperclassman accompany them to looking for other damaged books "Yes Mr Kitridge" he murmured. The young Lioness have started to move towards the shelves and he paused for a moment to regard the young Badger. This was the Hufflepuff who was sent out of Potions for not having a wand "Listen... Laura?.... if you still dont have a replacement wand and you found anything unusual come look for me or Mr Kitridge-- DONT TOUCH anything." Specially if there was something malicious going about the Puff was rather defenseless.
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Laura looked at the Librarian. "Right you are sir." Laura smiled. "I won't let you down." Yeah Laura was going to show the Librarian she wasn't as bad she he thought she was, she was 90% sure it was him telling the other staff that she wasn't a good listener and all.
"Okay then Sir, if I see anything bad then I will come and get you." Laura took out her broken wand, that Professor Hadley had soo kindly fixed up for her, there was no need to tell anyone it was broken right, she still didn't like Alexa for breaking it and the sooner Christmas Holiday came, the sooner she got her new wand.
Laura looked at the Ravenclaw, she was spoiling the fun. "My wand is okay." Laura smiled even if it was a bit broken, she didn't have to give them the story as too what has happened right, there was no need to do that was there, because it was a long one and she didn't really want to repeat it again.
"I promise if I find anything, I'll come and get you or Mr Kitridge." Laura smiled at the girl, she was trying to behave now and this would prove to everyone that she has changed.
Mr Kitridge watched as his 'search squad' left to go check out the rest of the library for damaged books, the culprits or merlin forbid more trouble. Somehow he wasn’t worried for Sarah or Vicker’s since both of them seemed responsible and level-headed. It was Laura who was a cause for worry since she wasn’t the most reliable badger in the castle with her track record of detentions and backfiring plans.
And her reassurances didn’t exactly reassure him that he did the right thing but given the lousy day he was already having Leo staked his galleons on that whatever Laura did or found in the next couple of minutes couldn’t exactly make things much worse.
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So many books to choose from. She only wanted to find one book that would help her understand the unforgettable curses. Ever since her friend was attacked by one she had wanted to know what they do.
Leo was about to turn his attention back to Edmund and Gideon when he heard footsteps approaching. Wand still in hand he almost expected it to be the culprit(s) coming back to the scene of the crime when it turned out to be a student. Plastering on smile even if he wasn’t feeling cherry Mr Kitridge called out.
"Hello, can I help you with something?"