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Old 10-12-2012, 03:21 PM   #17 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Dances_With_Potter View Post
Sutton shook her head in disappointment. She supposed that it was too much to hope for. The first time she had a really good reason to USE magic, and there wasn't a magic to make it happen. "Well, how about a spell to make people forget something... I can just use it on you and Isaac and Amelia, and then one of you can do it to me, and we'll all forget! And it'll be just like never happened!" Surely there was a spell for THAT?

As he chastised for running away to the cold, she just blinked at him. The Common Room? Why would she have run there? "There are... people there, and I wanted to go as far as I could." Admittedly, if she had run to the girls dormitory at least none of the three of them could have gotten to her, though surely Edmund would have sent a girl in to look after her. As he put the coat on her, she examined it. It was obviously a girls coat, so Sutton was rather confused about where Edmund had gotten it. "Whose is this?" she asked, momently distracted by her intrigue.
"Sorry dear." He smiled at her slightly amusedly, but then raised an eyebrow. "There's a spell for that, but that's definitely not going to happen." Like he'd ever do that. It was seriously dangerous if it wasn't done properly. "Sorry, gotta do it the muggle way." He hugged her tighter.

"True, but there are a lot of places INSIDE the castle you could have gone where there wouldn't be people." Ed raised an eyebrow at her, but his face fell at her question. Meep. Deciding it was best to just tell her the truth, he shrugged. "Amelia's. She threw it at me when she realised I was coming after you. She's the one you bumped into on the way out of the courtyard."
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