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Old 10-12-2012, 12:58 PM   #13 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Dances_With_Potter View Post
The cold air felt like knives in Sutton's lungs at this point. She'd never appreciated just how FAR the Groundskeeper was from the castle. Ah well, she was tired and soaking wet and freezing, and the bitter wind wasn't helping either. All she knew was that she couldn't run any further... and that had been her goal. To run as fast as she could for as long as she could to get away from what she had done.

Now, though, she found herself in the middle of what looked like an oddly sized playground. Spotting a small tunnel, she hurried over it and climbed inside. She'd be safe from the wind here, at least. Using her wand, she dried herself off with the hot air spell she'd been working on, and then she whirled her wand and created the bluebell flames that... Isaac had showed her how to make... and then she was crying again as she set the magical flames down on the floor of the tunnel in front of her.

Behind her, she heard an odd jingling noise and turned around to see what it was. Right as she turned around, a big black, fuzzy dog jumped into the tunnel with her and came over to greet her. Smiling at the dog through her tears, she said, "Hi buddy! Hi!" Hugging him tight, she pet the dog, thankful for his company. Maybe he could just... stay out here with her... they'd keep each other warm... Sutton curled up in a tighter ball as the dog snuggled in close to her, probably to get closer to the heat from the bluebell flames, which were awesomely not melting the tunnel. What a cool spell...

And more tears came pouring...
By the time he'd got near to the groundskeeper's hut, Ed was panicking. Full scale, all out panicking. Sutton definitely couldn't have run this far, right? He'd only been about fifteen minutes behind her! Holding Amelia's coat and looking around frantically, Edmund decided to call out her name yet again. "SUTTON?"

And again... nothing. He span on his heel, frustrated and worried because he just couldn't find her. And that was when he caught a glimpse of blue. That was a good sign, right? He crouched down at the entrance of the tunnel and peered in to see Sutton hugging a dog. A quick glance at the tunnel told him he wasn't going to be able to get in there with her, so he knelt on the floor and leant inside. "Hey, you okay?" He asked softly, glancing at the flames. At least she had enough sense to keep herself kind of warm.
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