This room might be the smallest in the entire building, but Quincy has found a way to make the most of his office connected to the mail room. His door can most often be found open as Quincy has nothing to hide and welcomes visitors. But if the door is closed, he's usually in a meeting or busy with work that cannot be disturbed. His desk sits in the center of the room, a familiar stack of papers sit on the edge in a tray that never empties. A large desk calendar is splayed across the surface, stained by coffee and tea rings, and accompanied by a few pictures of his family and friends. Behind the desk sits a filing cabinet with a potted plant settled on the top along with a small enchanted clock. In the far corner, unnoticed by most, is a Jobberknoll on a wooden perch, ever watchful of everyone who comes and goes. The walls have not lost their blue from the previous manager, and the window by his desk is as open as is door.
Scattered across the walls, in a seemingly pell-mell fashion, are several large posters. To the left of the door is a large world map taped to the drywall; yellowed with age, it seems insignificant until one takes notice to the marks on it. Quincy, as the managers before him did, use this map to track several different things. And if he ever has the time, he'll gladly divulge into the purpose and meaning of the moving, blinking black spots. Please have a seat in one of the comfortable chairs across from his desk, his door is always open, literally.
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