Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia Quote:
Originally Posted by Colley ♥ Pepper made a face at Wesley. "It sounds fun." She voiced her thoughts, "But it looks SCARY." EEP. She peeked again, "And HIGH." She didn't protest as Wesley led her over to the scary thing. It was true, there were other people around and they were all alive and not screaming or falling from the high places...
"How do you know it's totally safe if you've never done it before?" She questioned even as she strapped herself in. Wesley was DISTRACTING HER! She glanced at him and sighed in defeat. Alright. She'd go first. She was already set anyway... "Promise you'll be right behind me?" If she was going to die, she didn't want to die alone... Wesley eyed the massive drop off. Ehhh. Hehhh... Yeah, it was high. "I-I'm sure once you get going, it'll be fine." Or maybe he was just trying to convince himself that because it WAS really high. Eep. "Would they have a zip-line here if it wasn't safe?" Hmmm? Wesley didn't think so. Once they were over, Wesley helped Pepper strap herself in and then got himself in his own harness. He put his weight on it to make sure he did it right. GOOD. Wesley looked at Pepper and nodded. "I'll be right behind you. Promise." He flashed her a grin that hopefully didn't show how nervous he was and urged her to go. Before he changed his mind! |