SPOILER!!: Professor!
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Once more as you enter you see the
mannequins you used in the last lesson stood by the desks. They still have your names on, so make sure you sit by the right one - no hiding at the back if yours isn't there.
But this time there is something else in the room. Behind Professor Magnus' desk is a large wooden wall she has placed there. Upon that wall she has stuck - not permanently though - all the tops you made for your homework, so you can see them. They can be used as inspiration for what you create in class today, whether you want something that will match or something completely at odds with your top design, is up to you.
For now though Professor Magnus is perched on the edge of the front of her desk ready to welcome you. Please take a seat.
Jayden breezed into the room, her black curls contained in a tight chignon.
"Good day, Professor!" She greeted the woman, grinning from ear to ear. Last lesson they actually used magic to design CLOTHES. And any class involving fashion was a total favorite of Jayden's! She just couldn't wait to see what they would be making... or doing next.