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Old 10-11-2012, 06:00 PM   #25 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Dances_With_Potter View Post
As Edmund started shouting at her, the weight of it really hit Sutton... like a ton of flipping bricks. And she started sobbing... like it was the end of the world because that was how it felt, like everything she had been counting on was gone and she had no one left. "I don't know, Ed! I... wasn't thinking! I fell, and I was there, and he was there and... I didn't PLAN on it!" she spluttered very loudly because that was the only way she could talk over her tears.

Looking up at him suddenly, something he said processed in her brain. Isaac... had kissed her BACK. That... that meant something. Maybe if Edmund hadn't dragged her away...

But Isaac hadn't come after her, and so that meant Isaac regretted it. If he didn't regret it, he wouldn't have let Edmund take her away.

And that made her cry even more.

She was so thankful for Edmund's hug as she fell apart in his arms, sobbing against his chest.

Merry flipping Christmas to me...
Oh gosh. She was sobbing. And it didn't seem like she was going to stop anytime soon. He raised an eyebrow at her and just stared as she defended herself. It was a REALLY bad excuse, if he said so himself. Deciding to keep his mouth shut, Ed glanced over at Isaac who'd now decided to leave and then down to the emotional wreck in his arms. Poor Sutton.

Edmund rested his chin on her head gently and just let her cry it out.
Yesterday is not ours to recover

But tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
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