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twelve-year-old skipped in, grinning. Sooo cool. Lalalalaaa. She froze though, as soon as she got through the door. This was much too much like Hansel and Gretel. O____e The Headmistress was gonna fatten her up and EAT her. SHE WAS TOO YOUNG TO BE EATEN. NUUUUUUH. *mini!panic!attack* A cry of pain caught her attention - the headmistress was already cooking someone

- and she turned around, wide eyed. Oh. Just Theo. She bounced over.
Oh. Right. He was in pain.
"How're ye feelin'?" Once he had stopped bouncing up and down, Theo relaxed into the jelly chair and fought the urge to turn over and lick it. The fumes of sweets in this place was enough to send anyone coo-coo. He suddenly heard the familiar sound of his best friend, and he beamed. "
Haaaaaaaaaaaaai, BLUE." He hadn't seen her since he was almost killed in the stands. It was nice of her to visit him. COUGH COUGH. It was nice of EVERYONE to visit him.
Oh well. "
I'm not too bad. A little bit sore but at least I can make the next Quidditch match." Which was a match that he had been excited about for a very long time. Their rematch against Ravenclaw. After they RUDELY snatched their cup last term.
He wasn't a sore loser. He was being truthful.