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Old 10-11-2012, 03:40 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dances_With_Potter View Post
Text Cut: Isaaaaac <3 ... and Ed

This was not good. Oh Merlin! No no no! As she fell, it was like the world was in slow motion, and she didn't know whether she WANTED to land on top of Isaac to cushion her fall or if she wanted him to move so that she wouldn't hurt him. Obviously, it wasn't going to be her choice, though, because Isaac didn't move as she fell right into him, knocking him backwards. Terrified he was going to hit his head again, Sutton let go of the Christmas ornaments and reached her hands up so they were under his head right as they made impact with the floor, Sutton landing on top of him.

Her eyes locked on his. They were okay. Her fingers got smashed a little under Isaac's head, but that was better than irritating his previous injury. Smiling, feeling so glad that she had saved him, she leaned down, and without a thought...

kissed Isaac.
As his head hit the floor he noticed something under it, but didn't figure it out til he saw her smile. Ok, at least she was alright. She didn't get hurt...he felt out of breath now that she'd landed on his chest but he'd live. Yep, ok now time to...


His eyes flew open as her lips touched his. Relaxing his arms moved around her, for a few seconds and kissed her back. ACK! WAIT! NOOOOOOOOOOOO! He couldn't kiss her back! It was SUTTON! She was...nooooo, this was just wrong! Gently pressing her back with his hands, he tried to sit up his eyes growing bigger by the second. "Sutton..." he murmured.