Originally Posted by
Silver Ninja
Looking up at her again he saw her wide eyes. "Erm, yes?" Hadn't she heard that he'd been knocked out? "When I hit the ground with me feet, I flipped ferward inte the broomstick handle, knocking meself out." There he'd told her everything that had happened. He'd been knocked out, hadn't died though! So what was the huge eyes for? Shrugging, he'd been knocked out before, it didn't bother him. And honestly he'd rather be knocked out then be put through a hoop as a keeper again! And also...it kind of was nice to know he hadn't failed right away.
Dropping the bauble he'd picked up as she grabbed his hands and looked into his eyes. "I..." Looking at her curiously he smirked "No. I'm not okay I've jus' been walking around in a daze the last three days but the healer let me off so all's good." Shaking his head he laughed "I'm kidding. I'm jus' fine. Really!"
Sutton almost cringed as he told the story. She hadn't heard all the details, just that he'd been hurt. She should have been there, and she should have tried to visit him even though the Healer wouldn't have let her in, she knew. How could he just shrug it off?
When he didn't let go of her hands, Sutton was pretty sure her heart almost stopped. Then he was being all sarcastic, and she rolled her eyes. "Boys," she muttered with a quiet giggle. Her eyes moving up to his head she dropped one of his hands, stepping closer to him, and tentatively touched the side of his head, hopefully not where he hit it. "Does it still hurt?" she asked quietly, sweet concern and concentration showing on her face.