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Old 10-11-2012, 02:14 PM   #6 (permalink)
Formerly: Dances_With_Potter

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Originally Posted by Silver Ninja View Post
Setting his baubles on the tree up high, he squatted back down grinning as Sutton finally ran over. Nearly knocked over by the hug he gave her a half smile steadying himself before hugging her back. "Ye were?" he asked surprised. Well, maybe she was thinking of him more like a brother too! That brought a grin to his face to know that she felt the same. so he thought either way it was nice to know, that someone was worried about him! "Well I'm fine, the healer brought me back not a problem, and there was no lasting injuries.

Just a bruise the size of a hippogriff egg.

"But I'm fine now." he said nodding. He was realizing she still had her arms around him, and gently slid her arms back winking at her as he reached down back into the box.
Sutton nodded to confirm that yes she'd been worried about him. "Brought you BACK?" she said, her eyes widening. Her face blushed as he slid her arms away and winked at her, like all of this was no big deal. Sutton wasn't sure how... great healing was in the wizarding world. In the Muggle world, people would have had to spend DAYS resting and even longer refraining from physical exertion after an injury like that!

As she watched him reach back down into the box, that fluttery feeling came back into her body. She grabbed his hands in the box and looked into his eyes. "Isaac... are you sure? I mean, maybe you should let me do this..." she said, her bright eyes searching his.
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