❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Why, little Ms. Ravenclaw was suddenly not in the mood anymore. Why? Well, that was because Professor Christiansen didn't acknowledge her earlier question. She asked him if he remembered her and he ignored her and went to entertain the next person to hand out his idea. Was it so hard to say a yes, or a no?
As questions were asked after the other, she chose to just stay silent on her seat, still feeling a bit upset but as the class took pace, she just couldn't stop herself but raise her hand when they were asked to select a rune along with its associated meaning. "Wunjo Professor.. it means joy, comfort, pleasure. It can also imply general success and recognition of worth." So see, she opted for a pleasant rune because even though she was upset, she still admired the man.
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