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Gideon watched as Selina accepted the pot from his own hands, the gift passing hands from creator to receiver and inadvertadly finishing the assignment for the task force. Make a gift and give it to someone to cheer them up. The redhead apparently wasn't aware of it, he couldn't remember if she was even signed up for it, so what she didn't know, wouldn't bother her...right? Not that the seventh year was really concerned about it at the moment. all that mattered was it had pleased Selina.
"Glad ye do and glad ye like," he said leaning in over the plant to kiss her softly. "Oh...and they're charmed to last a bit longer then normal." No point in them dying on her before the quidditch season ended after all. He had added the charm as an after thought as he stumbled upon it while studying. Knowing how Selina could get and how the team was behaving so far, she would no doubt need the boost whenever the stress level hit the roof so it had made sense to cover it.
Selina was too busy looking at every piece of the plant to even notice when her boyfriend leaned into kiss her. So when she finally did look up he was already there to press his lips softly to her own. When he pulled away her face was now matching the lovely shade of her red hair. He knew just how to get under her skin in the best way possible. Although, she supposed after you dated someone for nearly three years they would know just how to make you feel better. And he was rather good at doing that for her. Sometimes, she was not discrete enough of a person to be able to pull it off for him, but he always smiled right through her silly attempts.
Oh right. He had put a charm on it. Well, that was not the only thing that he had charmed, but that was way too cheesy of a line for her to even verbalize. Besides, he already knew that. Especially because he always got her to blush a few times whenever they hung out together. Which was a lot of the time.... not that she minded,
"Thanks, Gideon. Its really sweet. And I really needed this after the disaster that was practice today. They're all going to kill me..." And she was too young to be this stressed.