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With the Defense room well lit and not decked out in candles, it seemed less foreboding to Vivi. She dropped her bag at the bottom of the stands and took a seat as she waited for her compatriot. It hadn't be that surprising to her that she would find someone in the school who was interested in defensive training. There were really quite a few career choices that required such training, and she knew many students were looking to improve their skills before graduation.
She had been surprised at who was interested in defensive training, though.
After only a brief time sitting, Vivi rose and paced a little. Sitting still, waiting for that matter, wasn't one of her strong suits. Maybe she'd just warm up a bit? Stretches, toe touching, and deep knee bends... that seemed just the thing to occupy her time while she waited for her sparring partner.
For all of Vickers' ability to remember Dark Arts spells and facts, practical defense-- and some would say the only part of the subject that really matters-- was something he has yet to really get a good grip on. Shield spells, no matter how strong he can conjure them, can only do so much during unforseen circumstances, like a street fight.
So when Vivi put up a notice of trying out some defense techniques the Ravenerd siezed the oppotunity to put theory into practice. And the first theory he'd like to test? If defense skills can be passed genetically from mother to daughter. Those hours spent organizing yearbooks and other Hogwarts related literature in the library have taught Vickers a good deal of the days when Cassanra Rae Branxton was not only Hogwarts Headmistress but also its distingished DADA instructor.
He turned into the corridor of the duelling arena and crossed the threshold where he found Vivi doing her stretches. For all his eagerness to learn there was a part of him that was a little nervous too, maybe not so much as hurting Vivi inadvertantly with his clumsiness but more so that he was about to make an embarassing spectacle of himself.
"Hello there Vivi."