Cassia grabbed her parchment to write down what was Professor Bentley saying. Then she stopped because the important things were written on the board. Why waste a parchment. She stared at the instructions and blinked. They were going to do ALL this. Oh boy. She sighed. This class was going to be even LONGER than the one before it. If only she liked plants, she would've tried to enjoy.
The second-year glanced down at her pot and noticed that bubbles started to appear. Good, it was starting to boil. She looked at the ingredients and started searching for the chrysanthemum . Why must it have a long name. Cassia kept darting her eyes between what she had until she found it. Reaching for it , she added some into the pot.
Should she stir now or once she added the other. Eh..why stir twice. Cassia started flipping between leaves and other things she didn't really recognize until she found the nettle tea leaves. Adding some as well. She left them soak and move around with chrysanthemum.
Then she took a spoon and started stirring in circular motion. Did it matter if it was clockwise or not? The Professor would've mentioned it if it did. So nope.