As he uttered the spell the black shirt started to ripple again, but in finer waves this time, the threads within the cotton fabric seem to twist and change color, black then blue then something bright and glowing. Soon the darker elements of the shirt settles down-- not quite as flat black as it was before, since now there were bluish elements that gave the darkness more depth, almost like looking at the dark firmament of space. But certain areas still remain aglow, and Vickers eyes these luminous forms as they started to take shape, curving and turning and swirling together until the image in his mind now materializes before him-- the proud Eagle crest of the House of Ravenclaw sits artistically off one side of his shirt, and a few more off the side of his sleeves.
The Raveclaw steps back and looks at his creation. Slowly a grin tugs at his lips. It wasnt that bad now was it? Certainly better than that bizarre vest thing he unwittingly came up with in class. Setting his wand on the small table he neared the dummy again and lifted the shirt off, and let it hang between his hands. It looks good enough to wear now. Perhaps in the privacy of his dormitory he just might.