Thread: Herb Journals
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Old 10-09-2012, 05:01 AM   #23 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ruth (Rae) Elliot
First Year
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Default Alexa Cambridge ll 1st Year ll Gryffindor ll 216147
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite

SPOILER!!: November
November 17th-
[x] Plant Details - Well it's a little funny looking but that's just the roots, the stalk is pretty okay and it has pretty white and pink buds that blossom into yellow flowers.
[x] Common Uses - A lot of people use it in the kitchen as a meat seasoner so they put it in a lot of stuff their cooking...and in tea because it tastes good I guess.
[x] Personal Use - I use them to make gingerbread men!!! They taste really good and I could eat them all day...just not as much as chocolate frogs!
[x] Reflections - I suppose this herb has a lot of use to people all around the world because it makes food taste good and stuff and that's all that matters because we'd all starve if there was no yummy food...well...I'd starve and I don't wanna starve. Plus it makes the holidays special! What's Christmas without the gingerbread men? Probably not even worth pondering if you ask me. And one more thing! They're really good at hiding! I think I could learn a thing or two from them and their clever way of pretending to be one thing when they're actually another.

November 26th-
[x] Plant Details - Lavender is very hard to miss. It's got purple leaves--but not all the time. The leaves can also be blue or lilac...depending on what kind of Lavender you find when you go into your garden.
[x] Common Uses - It's used to make perfumes and some people use it to make different kinds of medicine to make you feel better not that medicine ever helps at all but we'll let them keep thinking that.
[x] Personal Use - My Daddy bought me lots of lavender scented lotions and stuff that smell really good so I use them as often as I can! I use it for decoration too 'cause it looks pretty in my hair.
[x]Reflections - Lavender is a very pretty herb. I find that it makes the world look prettier so of course it's got to be kept around or no one will want to live on earth anymore. I for one wouldn't want to stay on an ugly planet. It's also kinda neat because it has so many different things that you could have fun doing with it--there's just something for everyone if you ask me.

SPOILER!!: December

December 8th-
[x] Plant Details - Well I don't think it's all that's pretty green all over and looks like any other shrub. It doesn't really have flowers which makes it even less interesting 'cause they're aren't any pretty colours. The seeds are pretty neat though! if you soak them they get all jelly-like.
[x] Common Uses - In India it's used for medicinal purposes but places like Italy really have the right idea. They put it in food to make it taste good! In general it's a herb meant for the kitchen and lots of other countries use it for that too.
[x] Personal Use - Well I really think it makes food taste good and as stated before I like when food taste good because if it doesn't then I'll starve but what I also find is that the leaves are sometimes sweet and when they are I like carrying them around and smelling them (:
[x] Reflections - This is yet another useful herb. Then again, any herb that makes food yummy is a useful herb. This one in particular is clearly being misused--why use it and make it into yucky medicine when it has such a good reputation for making stuff taste better? It just gives the herb a bad rep if you ask me.

December 14th-
[x] Plant Details - This one doesn't have leaves either but it is kinda easily identifiable. The texture of the leaves is coarse and the leaves are dark green with veins that kinda look red. It's a funny plant because the leaves are also a little hairy~
[x] Common Uses - It's used in making tea (my grandma uses it a lot) but it's also got medicinal value. More importantly it can be used to make flavours of ice-cream and CANDY!! Some people even use it when they're feeling sick 'cause they say it helps get rid of those feelings you have...symptoms?Yeah, those. Bees find them pretty useful too and visit it a lot for nectar to make their yummy honey.
[x] Personal Use - I happen to love ice-cream and even though I don't like mint ice-cream as much as chocolate I still love eating it!! I'm also a big fan of candy no matter what kind so I could eat them all day if there's no chocolate frogs available.
[x] Reflections - Peppermint is just as important as ginger when the Christmas seasons rolls in. It's used to make candy canes and everyone knows santa likes finding one or two of them by the milk and cookies (wouldn't wanna disappoint the jolly old man) so it holds a special place in my herbology heart...which is kept separate from my other heart that stores my love for sugar. Ahem, right, I think it's a great herb and in fact if I liked my step-mother a bit more, I'd probably stop uprooting them from the garden just to mess with her. Yup.

SPOILER!!: January

January 5th-
[x] Plant Details - The stem is pretty thin and so are the leaves of this herb. It does have flowers but their small too and white or yellow.
[x] Common Uses - So like most herbs it has medicinal uses that hardly anyone uses anymore in most countries and it's used as a spice to add some flair to the food buuuuut, it's also used when making Dill Pickles!!
[x] Personal Use - I don't really use this herb very much actually. I don't like how it makes most food taste so Daddy doesn't put it in our food much even though Amanda likes it. I do eat the dill pickles though! They have to be one of the only foods that are ruined by the herb.
[x] Reflection - There aren't many herbs that I don't like because most of them make food taste good but this one has crossed a line that should never have been crossed. It makes food not taste good and food that doesn't taste good is NOT okay in my book. Sure it makes for some awesome pickles but pickles aren't the only things I eat and consequently I can't see myself liking this one very much at all. Such a shame had such a promising future...

January 12th-
[x] Plant Details - This plant has needle looking leaves and they don't change leaves for the autumn like most 'cause they're evergreens. It has seeds which are usually blue but can sometimes be red-brown or orange.
[x] Common Uses - A lot of wizards put it on their doors because it can be used as a form of protection but as with most things, muggles just use it in foods for flavour and stuff.
[x] Personal Use - Well I've never actually had any reason to use this herb when I think about it but I suppose my Daddy's used it in his cooking before and I always eat his cooking so let's assume I eat that stuff. This means that it's probably somewhere in my kitchen and has provided my food with flavour.
[x] Reflection - Personally I don't see the use of this herb. I don't think I have any evil spirits or anything running around my house and there aren't any dark creatures out to get me so I wouldn't need it in that case. I also don't think it's much different from any of the other herbs my Daddy uses. At the end of the day food's food and it has to make my food yummy so that's that.

SPOILER!!: February

February 3rd-
[x] Plant Details - This is a really pretty plant. It has nice purple or is it lavender flowers and these three crimson twig sticks things sticking out of it. It was first grown in Greece.
[x] Common Uses - Though I don't know why anyone would want to do this, the herb can be put into love potions and it can be used to colour food too. It's also been used as dye for like clothes and stuff.
[x] Personal Use - I make it a point of duty to never brew love potions. EVER. However I do occasionally find myself using this one. Like when I want something to do. I use the dye that's made from saffrons and recolour my step-mother's wardrobe. I don't think she usually minds though because she goes to sleep right afterwards!
[x] Reflection - This herb is pure evil. Only a thing that was no good would ever be used in a love potion. Love potions are scary and not worth anyone's time, meaning so is this plant. It should be ashamed of itself for helping to further something as disgusting as love and quite frankly the plant should be made extinct!! But of course it has some redeeming qualities (the dye) so it's all good--for now.

February 24th-
[x] Plant Details - It's green and has blades and stuff that can sometimes be all prickly but sometimes all nice and soft. There are different shades of green depending on the type of grass it is.
[x] Common Uses - It's used to feed animals who've decided to waste half their life by not eating meat they don't know what they're missing. So like farmers and those people just feed their animals grass because they're too cheap to buy real food...some say it's 'cause it's healthier for the animals so I don't know. Maybe the animals just like the taste? It's also used for lawns and stuff to make the place look really prettiful.
[x] Personal Use - Well I don't know about anyone else but I like rolling around in the grass or laying on it with my friends. I also use it as a base for hunting grasshoppers. The little devils are so hard to get unless you look in the grass.
[x] Reflection - I. Like. Grass. It's so...grassy! It's just nice, I could lie on it all day and pretend my step-mother doesn't exist! I can do just about anything in the grass and it acts like a cushion so I don't get hurt as bad. This is definitely one of nature's better ideas--I would've never thought of it myself. It may not seem like much to most people because they just walk on it everyday without even remembering it but a lot of cool stuff happen in it; ants have little cities in them with little ant technology and everything!

SPOILER!!: March

March 6th-
[x] Plant Details - The leaves on this herb are needle-like and they're also every greens who don't waste their time changing colour every autumn. The flowers that it has are blue, pink, white or purple.
[x] Common Uses - A lot of people use this plant as a decoration to make their gardens look all prettiful. A good choice when you think about it 'cause the plant really looks nice. Some even say it improves memory but you know...I've never tried that so it can't really be proven at the moment. Like most herbs it can be used in cooking and they use it in certain medicines too. The best use is that the leaves are used to flavour MEAT!
[x] Personal Use - Well I don't really use it much to my knowledge but I like chicken and that kind of stuff so I suppose that's how I use it; making my food taste yummy so I can eat it.
[x] Reflection - This here is a very busy herb. It has a lot of stuff to do and so little time to have it done before it gets eaten. Like it does everything from the decorating to the filling of my stomach; a very important job if you ask me. What I'll never get over is the fact that it might be behind the reason I fell in love with meat. It's just so nice and yummy and not like vegetables and I wouldn't know that if the meat wasn't seasoned--I might have even believed that the veggies were better! I don't like that thought at all.

March 11th-
[x] Plant Details - This herb has so many different species that it gets ridiculous! I think it has like over 100 or something! The leaves are all twin like 'cause they go up in twos and the flowers usually grow in twos too.
[x] Common Uses - I remember reading somewhere that it makes your right and left side of your brain even; again, I've never proven this so I don't even know if I believe it. Still, it was in a book so it must be true. It's also used for medicinal stuff like curing headaches and sore throats...I heard it makes you flexible too!
[x] Personal Use - I don't think I've ever used it for any of those purposes before but I know that my grandmother uses the leaves to make tea and I drink that tea whenever I visit her. It doesn't taste so I don't mind. Sometimes when I'm at her house I pick the leaves and walk around smelling them because they smell really good.
[x] Reflection - I think the people who made up the uses of this herb were going about it the wrong way. I mean sure it can be used for medicine and some people claim it can do a bunch of neat tricks but really I just think it serves it's greatest purpose from inside a tea pot. Tea's no substitute for food but it comes awfully close when the other options are intangible. Overall it's a pretty cool plant though. If it can really make a person flexible then I think I want to give that a go and see how it turns out. So far I've only had it a few times but I don't feel anymore flexible. Meh. It might just be a long term thing.

SPOILER!!: April

April 14th-
Lily (Lilium)
[x] Plant Details - Well I wouldn't say this plant is very funny looking but it doesn't look like most others. The stem's just long and it barely has any leaves on it making the flower really stand out. The flower itself is large and it has a nice smell to it. The colours of the flower are usually: white, yellow, orange, pink, red and purple so it's very eye catching.
[x] Common Uses - Muggles use it a lot, specifically Chinese muggles and they think it can be used to keep you cool during the summer. I don't know where they got that from but you each his own. They also put it in their food, using it in the dry form and some of them use it to thicken soup. Now witches and wizards have found a better use...curing love potions.
[x] Personal Use - ...Umm well I don't really use it the way everyone else does you see because well I just like sticking them in my hair and making my hair look pretty. Most times I stick them in Felix's fur too then we can match for the whole day! Sometimes it really depends on the mood I'm in...if I'm bored enough I tell Jeremy it's a beauty sucking plant and he'll grow ugly if he annoys me too much.
[x] Reflection - A lot of people make a big fuss about this herb because of the things they think it can do and sometimes just for the sake of food; there's nothing wrong with that mind you but I just think it's such a waste. Why hurt the poor thing when it would look much prettier in ones hair? Doesn't make much sense does it? Sometimes people just need to stop thinking about the bigger things and just focus on how prettiful something is, that's what I try to do hence why I don't go throwing lilies into everything my daddy makes. I do think it was pretty smart to learn that it can be used in curing love potions though. Love potions are nasty things, I don't know who'd wanna make one of those but let's all thank Merlin that the lily's around to fix things right up!

April 30th-
Liquorice (Licorice)
[x] Plant Details - It looks like any other plant to me. It has that stalk thing but it also has leaflets. The flowers themselves are usually long, purple to pale whitish blue. It's roots are sweet tasting.
[x] Common Uses - Many places use this when making candy and even the wizarding world does this with the creation of the licorice wand and some countries use it as a flavour in their sodas. On the flip side it's also used in medicine. Magically though it only gets used in love potions.
[x] Personal Use - This may come as a small shock but I just happen to be a sugar addict and all forms of candy are welcomed. I, myself, love having a good licorice wand in between my chocolate wand eating just so I can add variety to my candy diet and prevent monotony. I don't really have many any uses for it while it's in its plant form though so I guess I don't have a personal use for it before it's processed and stuffed with sugar...
[x] Reflection - This is an interesting plant...but not interesting in the sense that it captures your train of thought or anything like that, more like it just does some cool stuff. From the one plant you can get candy and soda. If that's not a God send then I don't know what is!!! It's basically the two things I could survive off of if I were to ever get stranded on a deserted island somewhere in the middle of nowhere.


May 4th-
[x] Plant Details - This plant got it's name from the Greek word meaning rainbow because of all the pretty colours it can be found in. They're much better looking than most other plants and their stems are very straight.
[x] Common Uses - Well I'm guessing people use it for like cleaning and stuff because they say it's used for purification of the house and body. I'm not really sure how that works but I won't question it 'cause they obviously know what they're doing. It's also used in potions that give people a clearer mind so I guess it makes people smarter too.
[x] Personal Use - I've actually never needed to use this plant before so I don't really have much to say in this section. I suppose one day I might want to get smarter and decide to use it but for now it's just there and I don't come into contact with it.
[x] Reflections - This plant is obviously a part of some get rich quick scheme. Any plant that makes you get smarter without actually having to do anything could be considered like that--not that I'm complaining because I might need a clearer mind later on in life. As for the purification bit I don't think I'm that's a no in the body department and I don't think a plant will help me get my step-mother out of my house. Such a pity too because I'd love it more if it could. As it stands it has no use to me and I can't help but think it serves no purpose. Maybe someone else will see it differently but that's just how I see it.

May 12th-
[x] Plant Details - It's a very funny looking flower on a very funny named plant. It's green and has this weird shape--but not weird in a bad way 'cause it kinda looks cool. To me, it kinda looks like a pine cone but obviously it's not.
[x] Common Uses - Healers and other people too use it for helping others fall asleep and with healing them. Muggles use them too because they give things a bitter, tangy flavour. They're also used for flavour in some tisanes...whatever those are...
[x] Personal Use - I wouldn't use this plant even if you paid me well depending on the payment anyway. I don't see myself using anything that makes food bitter and disgusting tasting. No thank you. I don't use this at all.
[x] Reflections - I don't know why anyone would want help falling asleep. It seems to me that if you can't sleep it's possible that you just want more fun and excitement to tire you out. Then there' the whole making things bitter; all the more reason to not like this thing. Honestly, how can a plant live with itself knowing that it makes food all yucky! Ugh! I don't even want to think about it. Food is meant to be enjoyable and bitter food is most certainly not enjoyable. I think this plant should have been wiped out of existence ages ago but you know, some adults actually like that bitter stuff so I guess it'll never happen.


June 16th- My Birthday!!
[x] Plant Details - This is a very pretty plant that has flowers with a lot of petals on it. The colours it usually has are like white, yellow, red, pink...and a bunch of colours that can come from those flat colours. It usually has a kinda long stem and the stem's fully of thorns so it's not very good for grabbing...
[x] Common Uses - It makes things prettiful, like if you stick it in your hair or put it on your clothes. It's also used to make perfumes because of the nice smell it has. I know that a few people also use it to in their houses too 'cause they wanna make it look all elegant or something like that.
[x] Personal Use - I just like picking them then smelling them 'cause they smell really good.
[x] Reflections - If it weren't for the fact that this thing is really pretty and smells really good I'd soooo hate it. Lots of people use it for all the wrong reasons like giving it to people because they 'love' them. Rubbish. Such a waste of a good plant and they don't even realize it. I'm all for giving flowers to the next guy...nothing wrong with that but when you add stupid stuff to the gesture like that it totally kills it. Can't it just be appreciated as it is? Gosh. People ruin everything, don't they?

June 24th-
[x] Plant Details - A lot of people think of it as a herb, a vegetable and a spice too. It's got green all over and I don't think it has flowers but you know...I could be wrong. wouldn't be the first time. Sadly the plant usually dies after the seeds get mature.
[x] Common Uses - It's mostly used as a spice so it's like put in food to make it taste good and some people who think it's a veggie put it soups and stuff. It has medicinal value too so people use it to help build their immune system.
[x] Personal Use - I don't use this herb at all 'cause I don't know how to cook really but my daddy does and then I eat the food...wait...I guess that's how my personal use comes in so yes I use it to make me want to fill my stomach more.That's about all though seeing as I don't like medicine.
[x] Reflections - I don't really know what to think about this herb. It's good because it makes food taste good and that's all I need to be happy but then it went and took on that whole title of 'vegetable'. Not making things very good for itself if I do say so myself. If you ask me it should stick to one category and that category should simply be being a spice. It'd sure bring a lot more smiles to the dinner table. Think about it, a kid sits down to steak and grins while another sits down to 'nutritional veggies' and gags for the whole night. Just so we're clear I'd be the one with the steak...just saying.


July 17th-
[x] Plant Details - This is one of the earliest blooming plants in the whole of Europe 'cause it flowers in the early spring. It's really nice looking and the flowers look touchable. They're usually pale yellow, white, red, or purple but I don't know if they have more colours. It'd be a shame if they didn't because then it'd mean they didn't come in blue...
[x] Common Uses - In the muggle world a lot of people like putting it in their gardens...obviously to make it look more prettiful. It's used for food too 'cause it's edible but it's also a good medicine for when you get sick in the head; like when you're depressed or something like that...
[x] Personal Use - Well I know it does a lot of neat things and all but honestly it's just another plant I like putting in my hair. I'm sure one day the usage will change but for now I just like picking them in bunches and making something like a primose arch that makes my hair look even more prettiful the only time I care about my hair is when flowers are involved.
[x] Reflections - I'm rather suspicious of this plant. It says it's edible but I've never actually given it a chance. It just makes me feel like I've been wasting food all these years which is not good. No. I suppose I could just be over thinking it but the thought of having food in my hair when it could be n my stomach doesn't sit well with me one bit. Someone should have told me sooner. Granted I would have still decorated my hair with it but at least it would have been an informed action. I'll get over it eventually but for now I'm just sorely disappointed in myself...I should probably try eating everything herb I find before I stick it in my know...just to make sure it's not edible first.

July 30th-
Slippery Elm
[x] Plant Details - The branches of this tree grow weird...instead of up they go down and the flowers are in clusters together. The branches can be red, brown, or orange which I find a little weird except the brown one. I don't know how people know this but they say the bark is gummy in texture...I don't even wanna know...
[x] Common Uses - It can be used in gardens to keep away pests and other unwelcomed stuff like bugs. The herb's also good for when you have a burn or something when you put it with red raspberries. Some people also use it when they have, a cough, sore throat or stomach problems.
[x] Personal Use - I don't really have much use for this one. When I'm sick or hurt Daddy just takes me to the doctor or I take cough syrup...I also don't own a garden--my step-mother does and quite frankly I don't care what gets into it and destroys it so I wouldn't be using it there either.
[x] Reflections - This is one plant I should try avoiding and keeping away from my house. I've worked too hard trying to destroy Amanda's garden; letting things loose in there...trampling plants...the works, for some herb to simply come up and make the garden a safer place for the plants. I don't have anything against the plants themselves...they're lovely but she isn't so I can't afford to have that stuff anywhere close by. I suppose that if I'm meant to be fair it's a pretty cool plants 'cause I don't know many that actually heals burns and fixes an upset tummy but I stand firmly behind my conviction; the plant's no good to me.

SPOILER!!: August

August 6th-
[x] Plant Details - On first look these seem pretty plain and stuff but I like the top bit from which it got the name 'cattail'. You can't argue with the fact that it does look like one. It's usually found in wetland areas. They're a little hard to control though and most people have to resort to burning or chopping them down.
[x] Common Uses - Some people put it in wax or fat then they get to light it 'cause it becomes something like a candle. It's also been used to remove poison from water. It's also good in the food department too. If you wait for a certain time you can boil the spikey part and eat it kinda like corn on a cob. I've never tried it but that sounds pretty good sooo...
[x] Personal Use - This plant is more fuuun to play with than it is to eat. I usually talk them and run around chasing Jeremy with them whenever I get the chance. Sometimes I just stick one end in my shorts and pretend I'm a cat then I play with Felix and we have our little moment of bonding.
[x] Reflections - This is actually one of the only plants that makes me change my mind about things always being better once they're edible. I don't usually get the urge to take a bit out of this one because I usually have too much fun with it anyway. I just think it's so cool how much it resembles a cat's tail dreams really do come true. I'll have to try that whole boiling then corn on a cob thing one day though because it sounds yummy. I could probably just have it with some chocolate frogs or something because everything tastes better with chocolate frogs. But then that leaves the question of whether or not it will mess up the good taste of chocolate...maybe I shouldn't risk it.

August 14th-
[x] Plant Details - It looks like any old weed on the ground!! It's pretty much just a green plant until around the summer months when it shoots out nice smelling, pink or white flowers. There are some kinds of butterfly and moth babies that eat this herb.
[x] Common Uses - Commonly it's used in medicines that help people who have sleeping problems. When people are having a hard time falling asleep they turn to this herb. Most times it's put into sleeping potions. Along with sleeping potions it's also used in Draught of Living Death.
[x] Personal Use - I have absolutely no reason to ever need to used this one. I don't usually have sleeping problems and when I can't fall asleep I take that as a cue to get more candy and just let loose.
[x] Reflections - Such a terrible plant this one is. Why anyone would complain about not being able to sleep is beyond me. When someone sleeps they miss out on a lot of things that are going on in the world. If I were to go and take a sleeping potion I'd feel terrible in the morning for sure! There'd be too many questions on what I missed and stuff like that. But then when you consider that other potion it can be used it it kinda redeems itself. Taking on the appearance of death sounds pretty cool. I'd wanna try it just for the experience and the plant would be able to help me with that for sure!

[[OOC: Yes we're aware that there's no such word as "prettiful" but she likes using it ]]
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________

______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.

Last edited by DaniDiNardo; 11-27-2012 at 09:13 PM.
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