eehh.. A Poop * k8 *
She eyed the little girl.."No. I have a crup at home named Moze, who is a bigger diva than I am," she smirked, flipping her hair a show..that hey, she was a huuuuge diva sometimes. So Moze must really be a diva. Poor little guy was super spoiled, though.
She smirked over at Ethan. "I just don't get plants, okay?!" Was that a crime?! NO! She just didn't understand it. It was...hard for her. Which she didn't like because she was USED to being PERFECT all the bloody time! GUR. "Yeah, deal.'ll be an expert when I'm through with you, kid," even though he was older..ehh. It was a nickname she usually reserved for..boys. Or younger annoying Alexa. Whatever.
And theeeen her eyes went BAAACK to She felt a little bad. "Sorry. Just looking out for you." Poor little Cora needed that..or, at least that's what Elliot felt. She saw the little..white..puffball..and her inner child was all OIEWHHFKRHFKFB KITTY! But on the outside, she merely smirked and gave the little guy a scratch with her finger.."He's cute." Kind of like Cora, right? Little, innocent, and adorable. Heh. Elliot was NOT a all...
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |