Before leaving the library, Lily managed to convince the head girl to give her a piggyback ride down to the hospital wing. So as soon as Louisa agreed to it, the third year climbed onto the seventh year's back and the group was off. By the time they reached the wing, Lily was beaming. She liked getting piggyback rides when she didn't feel well.
Sliding off Louisa's back once they were in the waiting room, the redhead hugged the head girl.
"Thanks..." And then Lily went up to go sign in, which proved difficult since she had to use her left hand. After finishing that, she turned to go take a seat to wait when she noticed that the room was a total mess.
"Peeves must have been here." She mentioned to the other two, before walking back over towards Louisa, supporting her throbbing wrist that was still in the brace.