Had he heard her? Probably not..Oh well. Whatever he had said before, she didn't bother anymore. He maybe didn't want her to know for a reason. Who knew?
Wow. Impressive that was.
Renesmee gave Logan a thumbs up. His writing may have been a little messed up, but seeing as his design was more complicated than hers she still thought he was really good.
"Well done." She gave him a smile and turned back to her own shirt. She was fairly happy with it, but she decided more practice was needed.
"Reverto." she pointed her wand at the mannequin and watched as her shirt turned into a paper bag again.
Maybe some more detail wasn't a bad idea. Pout.
The fifth year added some more sketching to her top and then decided to attempt it again. This time the only real difference was that she added a few green twirls to it. She looked at her
design quick and then took her wand out again aiming at her paper bag.
Just like before, she could do it again.
"Summus Vestis." She did the zig zag motion with her wand. Once again her paper turned into the shirt like before, this time revealing her green twirls too.
Beam. She could do this properly now.
"I think I've completel got it, how about you?" She turned to look at Logan.