Thread: The Pathways
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Old 10-08-2012, 02:08 PM   #397 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Originally Posted by hermygirl View Post
Spike shivered a bit, and thrust his hands in his pockets. He hadn't been aware it'd be this chilly. It'd get better as they moved though, he was sure. Luckily Louisa seemed a bit better prepared, given that she was already ill. He bit his lip, still feeling a little bad that she'd gotten out of bed just to keep him company. He glanced at her, a small smile wanting to curl upon his lips. For being ill...she seemed surprisingly happy for being out in the cold.

Though...he had to admit, the fresh snow was rather lovely. It also gave him the urge to run and jump into it head first. He refrained from that though, for the moment. "Getting bored in the tower, were you?" Spike asked quietly, happy to keep the topic off himself for the moment. He had no idea if Louisa knew what had gotten him so frustrated or not. He didn't mind if his co-Prefect knew, but he wasn't sure the other 'Claws needed to know that their usually happy-go-lucky Prefect had gotten a little deranged lately.

"Don't they always?" Spike said, "It's like it's saying 'oh, you already have tons of stuff to do, but let me make you feel awful whilst you're at it'." Touch wood, he hadn't had one yet this year. He watched his feet kicked along the snow, meaning he didn't catch the view that had caught Louisa. "Hmm?" he pondered, looking up. "Oh." That was rather beautiful. Totally untouched, too. "Looks like we're the only ones brave enough to head out today," he said , his lips threatening to curl upwards into a smile once more.
Bored? She 'ugghhh'ed and looked at him sideways, "I was this close to beg for someone to take a walk with me." Her forefinger and thumb were so close they almost touched. "Vickers is keeping an eye on me, I think. He insists I stay in bed all day, sipping soup and peeing it out." She had the swoony dreamy look plastered all over her face as she talked about Vickers, unaware of how rude it was to look this happy with someone when Spike's original problem was about another someone.

..... okaaaay. Louisa didn't expect this rather thorough agreement to her sarcastic comment. Her eyes skimmed over his face, worried and trying to figure out whether this had anything to do with him trying to pull at his hair and kicking the trunk. She nodded, "Maybe it's why we're the Prefects." She nudged him playfully and quickly dropped the smile, "Spike? Do--" How exactly was she supposed to ask about what worried him and turned him from an always excited boy to a confused gloomy one? She wasn't so good with this kind of talk, people said she was too honest and sometimes meddlesome.

She sighed and smiled again, deciding against it. Maybe she can get him to talk about it after he let some passive energy out? Her smile turned into a smirk, "Race you to the end of this pathway!" AND SHE UNLEASHED HER LEGS! No warnings, no preparation, no nothing. It would be a piece of cake for him to win, Louisa was not the sporty one between the two of them, let alone a freshly recovering flu patient.
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