Liz's Bestie ● Helvetica ● ● Jigglypuff ● Jeff Vader
Oops. Albie had been told off. He threw her an apologetic look, seeing as he was the one who'd pulled her onto the bed and all. Then he was under the scary spotlight once more. He cocked his head at her and immediately regretted it. The sickly feeling was coming back and he REALLY didn't want to re-style the healer's clothes miss that bin again.
"Well..." This was awkward. How did he say that he'd willingly got in the lake and then Albie had pulled him underwater? He mimicked a fish for a moment, trying to work out what to say but his brows creased in concentration. How to word this? Ah! He looked up at the Healer to explain, but was met by a flying bedpan which hit him. SQUARE BETWEEN THE EYES. His hand immediately raised to where it had hit him and covered it. PEEVES WAS GOING TO PAY FOR THIS. He didn't yell, he didn't make any move back to the POLTERGEIST - yes, he knew the difference - Ed just tutted. After all, revenge was best served cold, no? It really wasn't his day today, first being DRAGGED from the Willow, then being pulled under the lake, now this!
__________________ Yesterday is not ours to recover  But tomorrow is ours to win or lose. |