Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite Suspended. Of all the punishments she could have gone and gotten herself Alexa chose to get suspended. Merlin, he still didn't know what to make of it. What could she have possibly done that was so bad? Everytime he tried asking she just started whining and crying and avoiding the subject. Of course, he never pushed it because he didn't like seeing her upset.
Approaching the stone gargoyles that stood just outside the office he peered behind him and saw his princess trailing behind slowly with that kneazle of hers tucked in her arms. "Lex, maybe you should cage him until the end of the meeting." He suggested...but not too harshly; no need to upset her. The poor girl was probably already upset about everything else that was happening.
Alexa looked up at her father with crinkled brows. "But Daddy, I don't WANT to put him in his cage. You know he doesn't like it in there." SCOWL. Why was he bothering her when she was upset. "Hmm...well okay...but make sure he behaves." If she didn't want to then he wouldn't push it. "I will." She muttered before shifting her gaze to the door. She hadn't actually used this entrance to the Office before...not that she would mention that to her father. He didn't know exactly what had led to the suspension, she kinda told a very convenient version of the story that left out most things...come to think of it...he didn't know anything that she did--and she didn't plan to tell him!
__________________ Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________ 
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said. |