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Old 10-06-2012, 12:21 PM   #10 (permalink)
Quick Quotes Quill

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alexander Montgomery
First Year


Text Cut: Nora
Originally Posted by nogoodforyou View Post
Well, she didn't scream, which was good.

Nora couldn't help but giggle at Gwen's reaction, though. Of course, she got used to it, being the weird Slytherin who had a tiny lizard as a pet. So... was it wise to mention that the little guy was hiding in her pocket? She couldn't bear the thought of keeping Elijah in a small cage (and she wouldn't be able to carry a large one at Hogwarts) so, ever since she'd bought him, he spent most of his time in her trunk and pockets. Those were his favourite places, it seemed. "Do you want to meet him?" She asked with a large, rather mischievous grin on her face. She wasn't going to tell her that Elijah was in her pocket at the moment, just in case she was going to freak out about it. Hehe.

As for the garden that turned out to be a lion... she had to agree. "It does look good as a lion." But then again, everything that Gwen drew looked good - no, awesome - to Nora. She sometimes wondered why she hadn't turned it into a raven, rather than a lion, but it was just one of her many silly questions that didn't really need to be answered. Because Nora was silly like that.

But then... back to the negative thoughts about Divination. "Of course we can," study together, that is. "But I should warn you that I'm no genius, either, but it should be fun, at least." Well, there were subjects like Arithmancy or Potions where she preferred working alone, but others like Divination could make studying in a group fun.


Why was Nora looking so suspicious? Gwen tried to decide if the Slytherin was indeed planning on showing her the lizard. A lizard… the fifth year didn’t really like those things which crawled… but mehh. ‘Yes..’, the Ravenclaw said a bit hesitantly. Seriously. How bad could a lizard be?

Gwen was sooo not going to freak out.

Did Nora have to go back to the Common Room to get the lizard? No wait… she mentioned something about taking the lizard out for a walk. Hmm. So where was it? Gwen glimpsed at the floor for a few seconds, wondering if the lizard wasn’t anywhere around. But she couldn’t see anything. Meh. Just wait for Nora to call Elijah, then.

Gwendolyn just smirked at her friend’s comment about her drawing. Meh. It didn’t look very good because the page was nearly empty, but that didn’t mean the Ravenclaw would spend a lot of time trying to finish the sketch. Not now. Not when she didn’t have a lot of free time.

Positive thoughts or not, Gwen always enjoyed talking to Nora. And now, she appreciated the fact that she was able to find someone who wasn’t in love and with who she could still have a normal conversation. Not that she had really freaked out when the Gryffindor decided to break the news to her… but Gwen still needed a bit of time to get used to the fact that her best friend was in love. Oh well… Back to Nora now.

Should be fun...


‘I hope so’, the fifth year responded. ‘I was actually going to start studying in Divination soon…’ Yes, as much as she disliked the subject, Gwen knew she had to start preparing. ‘Are you free now?’ Or maybe they could meet at the library later that day…? That sounded alright. Gwen waited for a reaction from her friend before suggesting that. Besides, she wasn’t planning on hanging around here for much longer. The dungeons weren’t exactly the best place in the castle.
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