Originally Posted by
PhoenixStar What was there really to say about Ravenclaws? Everybody knew how they were. "Nothing really to say." Other than they always had their noses in books and put other things on the back burner...like their health. Hannah didn't care anymore though since Elliot was in her own sick little bubble.
Yes, yes. Hannah had finally told her the truth. "I don't have to have a motive you know." Well maybe she did, but still that was not the point. "I'm glad you like it." Had she of said that she didn't she probably would of hexed her on the spot. Well maybe not hexed, but something... Hannah had done a lot of work on that wreath and she better cherish it.
Hannah did not react well to commands. Nobody commanded her. Nope. She was going to be difficult. After all what she was going to tell her was pretty juicy and she was going to have to work for it. "What's the magic word?" Her eyes twinkling like an innocent child.
Ooooh LIE! Elliot always had a motive..so clearly, Hannah did, too. And she was a snake. And snakes were worse than anyone else for motives.."
Riiiight..." she rolled her eyes.
Magic words? Elliot grumbled....
She suddenly had another coughing attack..so she took out her handkerchief and coughed into it...she needed to remember not to use this one tomorrow...ew.
And then, hit with evil inspiration..
."Madic word? How about if you don' dell me, den I will SNEEZE on you!" she laughed crazily, and she opened her mouth as if she sneeze on her..not that she would, though..she was NOT saying please..NO!