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Elliot rolled her eyes..."Right. I would be FINE." YEah right...as if. Elliot ADORED her Hannybannanny. Not that she ever called her that...to her face. Just in her head...*nods*
"I don't even.." remember? Elliot smirked, though, getting an idea. "Forget the bet, then...we could just be nice to her for fun..." and by nice, she meant really really mean...she had an evil glint in her eyes. "Aaaaand...I had tea with Oakey...the other day? That puffer...well," she leaned a little closer to Hannah..."Don't yell at me for doing so..because I only did it to annoy her..." hehehe.
She was eeevvviiiiiiiiil!
Oh. She sighed. "I don't KNOW. But he admits that he's definitely UPGRADED since then..." He very well BETTER know that Elliot WAS an upgrade...uh huuuuh. "He does. HE's really rich," because that was also VERY important..."I mean...we have standards...I could never date someone NOT...wealthy...I'm used to it.." she shrugged. She sounded snobby, she WAS snobby, and she knew it...but she was totally OKAY with that, haters.
"Yeah, yeah...I'm so sure." Elliot didn't have to lie to kick it. She knew that without some Hannah in her life she would be incomplete.
Oh she didn't remember huh? That was hard for her to believe since she loved to be evil and all and Hannah had lost the bet.
"I just remember that I was supposed to apologize and be all nice and stuff." Then an evil thought crossed her mind.
"We could both apologize and act all nice and then when she thinks we are friends...BOOM!" Oh yeah they could definitely have some fun with that. Here soapy, soapy, soapy. Her eyes glinted with malice.
"Oh yes...major upgrade." He needed to know that there were certain things that you did not do and certain people that you did not hang out with. There were rules ya know?
"Rich...that's nice." and also very important.
"So when do I get to meet your Mr. right? Hannah was looking forward to it...that and making Soapy cry...again!