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He knew he was asking for it by using her Holmesian nickname but he'd just have to deal with it. The point of this exercise to cheer up his girlfriend...right? So he was pulling out any stops, an ever so slight flinch when she used his own nickname once more, and it seemed to do be working out just fine as told by the grin already gracing her face. And he wasn't even done yet.
"Well, m'lady...whats red and white...and no longer behind my back?" he asked, slowly manuevering his cargo out from behind himself so that just when he reached the last part, the flower arrangement was out in front of him to go along with his words. She pursed her eyebrows together in confusion when he gave his little clue. His clue was extremely vague and she still was not exactly clear as to what he had behind his back.
"Wait, what do you mean red and whi- oh my goodness." It was beautiful.
What he held in his hand was a beautiful boucay of flowers that fit her and parts of their relationship so well. The primary flower in the pot was the daisy, which made her smile in spite of herself. Every time that he had ever gotten her flowers they had been daisies. For obvious reasons. Then there was the order of the pot. The pot was red and gold, which stood for her love of Gryffindor. Inside the flowers was a snitch sticking out and a set of goal posts sticking out as well, which marked her love for Quidditch. It was beautiful.
She chewed on her bottom lip to bite back her smile,
"It's amazing, Gid. Why?" What was it for?