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Minerva was just about to take a sip of her pumpkin juice when Sutton asked a question that made her spit some out. Then she started giggling and felt her cheeks blush. "You mean Ed? The Hufflepuff seventh year?" she couldn't help but giggle more. Shrugging, "I think he's really cute, but he is a bit older for me. I'm just a fourth year. What made you say that?" She did think Ed was cute, he was super cute actually and really nice, but she knew he was out of her range with the age. "Plus, I actually just really met him at Laura's birthday party that had been ruined." she looked down at this, because it still upset her that her ex was the one that ruined it.
Minerva then heard another voice and looked up. Oh it was the boy that was afraid of costumes. Hmmm.. maybe she wouldn't mention that she was the badger that freaked him out. She smiled at him as he talked with Sutton and then looked at her, "Hello, nice to meet you too Landon. You do? I have never known anyone to have the same name as me. Does she go to Hogwarts?" Yes, Minerva would like to meet someone with her same name. That would be very neat. Minerva then looked at the food, "Well I'm eating a Ham sandwich and there is more, if you would like one." she offered and then moved the other plates towards him so he could take his pick.
Sutton smiled in relief when Minnie giggled. She was really glad that she wasn't mad at Sutton for asking, but if it wasn't true, then why was someone who was supposed to be Minnie's friend spreading lies about her? Should she tell Minne? Sutton didn't want to start problems, but she was pretty sure that if someone who was supposed to be her good friend was spreading lies about her, then Sutton would want to know.
"Yeah, I mean, I didn't think so... Cuz that day in Hogsmeade, you didn't even know who he was. I mean, he's a really sweet guy, aaand he is pretty cute, but he's really happy with his girlfriend and stuff," she said with a nod. It was true. Edmund had not so much as even LOOKED at another girl all term. What a loyal boyfriend! Hopefully, if Sutton ever had a boyfriend, he would be just like Edmund.
"I was just wondering because the other day Laura told me that you like him, and I wanted to make sure that was true, I guess..." Quote:
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He was allowed to eat! "So what kind of food do we have here?" He asked, Sutton, as he looked closely. He wanted to know what he was eating beforehand. Because if it was anything turkey or pumpkin, he couldn't eat it.
Stupid allergies.
He looked up at the other girl as Sutton introduced her. "Hi, Minnie! I actually have a really good friend who has the same name!" He nodded. "Nice to meet you!" He grinned. He nodded as Sutton said he was a Gryffindor. He assumed the two girls were both Hufflepuff.
Sutton giggled at Landon. He was such a boy!
"Well, there's some sandwiches," she said pointing to the platters of sandwiches on the floor where the table would have been.
"And some different kinds of soups," she said pointing to some pots of soups and stews on the table.
"There's also some vegetables and potatoes and some sort of chicken a little further down..." she explained to him.