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Minerva made it as far as the corridor and she couldn't go any further. She was happy to be far enough away that Maxwell and bratty Elliot wouldn't see her so upset. Plus it was a plus that maybe Ethan wouldn't see her cry like a stupid little girl either. She leaned against a wall and let the tears free. Why was he such a jerk.. She didn't do anything to him and he had a new girlfriend so what was his big problem. Minerva couldn't figure it out and really didn't care to at the moment. She just wanted to calm down before seeing any of the other students.
Ethan moved swiftly through the corridor with his head spinning somewhat from recent events. So many conflicting emotions were swirling around in his mind that it was hard to focus on any of them. He did his best to push everything to the far corner of his mind so he could focus on the one thing that mattered most - his friend was upset and he needed to make sure she was alright. Green eyes searched the corridor for any sign of Minerva, as he moved along the corridor, until they landed on a figure up ahead leaning against the wall.
Ethan slowed his pace until he stopped in front of the Puff.
Oh, Merlin, she was crying... The boy's face fell a bit and he swallowed hard. Crying girls made him especially uncomfortable.
"I... just wanted to make sure you were alright," he started slowly. Well, obviously she
wasn't... but he didn't really know what else to say. Things had escalated so fast at the party... he tried to wrap his mind around it all... but it was such a blur of events.
He saw a few tears roll down Minerva's face. Maybe she just needed some time to herself to work out her own emotions.
"If you'd rather be alone... I understand. Just say the word."