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Old 10-04-2012, 06:51 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Princesspower View Post
Sarah niave as she was (in her world people said what they meant) nodded, "will do... yet gilrs differ on their taste... Some girls are more girly then others... Some girls like thriller books, others romance. Some like comic book well others like mysteries. Although I prefer novels over short stories, some girls prefer short stories..."

Sarah was glad he agreed with her. Imagine if that Elijah guy got hold of that book... maybe it will say in their that girls do not like topless boys.. especially when not on the beach.

Sarah went over and read the books title "It is up to you... really, I personally have no clue... just go with the gut feeling"
Nodding he shrugged "Yep I kinda figured thet." Like Amelia didn't care for too much that was girlie, more preppy and nice dressed. But yet in some ways was very girlie. He loved both sides of her but sometimes it drove him bonkers! It's the reason he wanted that book to give him some ideas! Wait girl's tastes in books varied that much too? Merlin now he had to consider that too!

Gut feeling? Ok, Defense Against the Dark Arts. Because hey Basilisks are evil creatures right? He was about to set it in that pile then at the last second dropped it on the creatures pile. Ok more of a creature thing. Though it was evil. Tossing a few more books at random piles, he chewed on his lip thoughtfully flipping through another as a second was in his other hand. Looking back at the other boxes he sighed shaking his head, this was going to take awhile. Especially if he continued looking at the books he was pulling out!