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"I believe you mean Mr. Tate, girl," she corrected the Ravenclaw sharply, right off the bat. As for the file.... "I'm sorry, what was your name again?" Had she even introduced herself? No. How was Annie to know about any files under her name then?
"I might look for your file," she added as an afterthought, "but if I were in your shoes, and if I were the one wanting an internship to kick-start my career, I would be the one doing the legwork that involves looking into places that offer internships. But that's just me."
She stared down the girl, all traces of patience gone, and waited for her name.[/color]
Presley felt bright red. If her complexion allowed blushing, she would be doing it furiously. But her blushes never showed, which was a little frustrating, and a little bit of a good thing.
"I apologize. Mr. Tate." Presley repeated the correction. Had she not introduced herself? This meeting had definitely gotten off on the wrong foot, and now Presley would never get a good Headmistress reccomendation for Healer School. She just wanted to sink into the floor and die right now.
"I'm so sorry. My name is Presley Black." Second time apologizing in this conversation? This was bad. Maybe she should transfer back to Beauxbatons where nobody would know anything about this incredibly terrible conversation.
"Yes, ma'am, I have looked into a few. Professor Tate and I researched some together. The thing is, Ma'am, most require a Head reccomendation before I can apply for them. Mr. Tate had a folder full of some of them?" And now she sounded like she was asking a question. This just kept getting better and better. If she thought it would hellp, Presley would just say nevermind to the whole thing and walk away right this second. But that would just make this whole situation even worse.