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Milton eyed her for a moment. This girl was veeeeery curious to him. Curious indeed... She wanted something from him, didn't she? Because she was asking a lot of questions kind of. And she asked if he was the quidditch captain. Pfff. Everyone knew he was the quidditch captain. That was Milton logic, anyway.
"I am indeed," he said with a hint of a smirk before taking a seat on the arm chair next to her. He was intrigued now.
He sat next to her. This was a step in the right direction! Presley brushed her fingers through her bangs as if it was a natural action, even though she never did vapid things like that. Obviously he followed pro Quidditch then. Presley's favorite team was the Falmouth Falcons, mostly because they just weren't afraid to beat up the other tean to get what they wanted. If you cheat to win, you've still won..right?
"D'you think you'll keep it up after Hogwarts? Like, have you ever thought about going pro?" She knew people who hadn't and people who had, so it was a valid question. Plus, it kept him interested in the conversation. Guys liked to talk about themselves. Presley was keeping the conversation entirely away from her and her screwy life. She was hoping that if someone for once didn't know how messed up her stupid life was, they might actually like to be around her. Maybe.
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"Well Yoda didn't deserve to be vommed on." So your argument is invalid. Ha! INVALIDDDD. And why was he being half way pleasant to this girl? Why wasn't he amiable to HER? How rude.
This was boring her immensely. IMMENSELY.
Heh. Milton was sitting down. In a chair. Addy grinned a bit and moved toward him slowly. Inching along so as not to be noticed? Not that he could miss her there...
then BAM! Addy sat right on Milton Shacklebolt. Right. On. Him. Yep. Funny enough he wasn't as uncomfortable as she would have thought, either. Hehehe.
Yep. Nothing odd about any of this. Addy just pretended there was nothing out of the ordinary about her sitting upon the QC. If he had shown her his abs he would not have been sat upon.
So continue talking other person.
Presley was startled. What was going on? Here she was, talking to Milton just as this girl had been LEAVING, and then she sat right on him! That was not only completely rude, it was so socially inapropriate! Presley's eyebrows pulled together in confusion as she tried to figure out what in the name of Merlin had made this girl think it was okay to just surprise someone by sitting on them!
Maybe she was his girlfriend? Because that would mean it was okay. But it would also mean that Presley's objective wouldn't work with Milton. But maybe he could be her friend? Presley needed a friend who had never read her name in Witch Weekly, and had never heard the rumors about her mum and dad. Milton could be good for that at least. He hadn't reacted much to her name when she introduced herself. But still, it was weird to sit on his lap like that after almost leaving.