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"Loulou, hmmm?" Vivi pondered that as she finally freed her hands and her book from the blankets. The book went down to the bottom of the bed, because Vivi was sick of it and sick of the subject. Time to move on. Was that a jab at her own nickname, though, or did LOULOU really like being called that?
"Who calls you Loulou? Your mum?"
The comment about other Ravenclaws passed easily, mostly because Vivi had no clue who the girl was referring to. Possibly Vick, because he happened to be a stalker, or maybe that Milton or Max... because they were also stalkers. Or that cute little muffin named Nigel, who looked the type to set himself ablaze from time to time. Hmm.
Oh, wait. LOULOU was going to throw a cookie at her? Vivi considered whether or not she was willing to get crumbs in her bed (ew. ew.), and then decided to look upon it as a dare. If Louisa thought she could toss the cookie in her mouth, then Vivi was going to give her opportunity. And then she'd change her sheets.
"Don't miss," Vivi pointed a finger at Louisa before she opened her mouth and tilted her head back. Right in here. Try not to get cookie in our eye, mmk?
She SNORTED, still trying to carefully position the cookie on a good shooting point. Her head tilted to the left and one eye squeezed shut, "
My mom calls me 'witch'. 'Louisa', if she's happy." More to the left it seemed. It'll help if they have more light but again, Louisa accepted the challenge so no excuses. "
No one calls me that. I just made it up." Hehe.
Don't miss'? Gah. "
Merlin, Vivi, you don't tell someone on a mission that, it's a jinx!" See, the hand holding the cookie started to tremble slightly. Sigh. Louisa tilted her head to the right then and refocused, "
Okay, on count on three close your eyes." The cookie's in position. "
One.." Maybe just a tad bit to the left. "
Two.." Take a deep breath and open both your eyes. "
THREE!" Aaaand the cookie was soaring in the air, crossing the small space between two beds. The Ravenclaw froze in anticipation.
... would Vivi stay up all night playing the hoop if Louisa missed this time?