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"No one asked me a few hundred years ago. I can only offer my opinion now," Vivi scowled darkly at the blanket that was now obscuring her books. WHYYYY didn't she have that stupid X-ray vision power? That was totally what she was writing her Muggle Studies essay on.... having X-ray vision so she could see through blankets and keep reading without getting cold. And so she could always tell where in her trunk her socks or whatever were currently floating in the mess.
"If it is a joke, it's hilarious. If it isn't a joke," Vivi turned her attention to Louisa and smiled with way too many teeth. "Maybe you better start sleeping with one eye open, Carter." Vivi ruined it by laughing a bit at her own wit before looking once again at the other Ravenclaw girl. "I wouldn't burn your belongings. I'd get expelled."
Small comfort for Louisa, perhaps, but Vivi wasn't going to do anything to get tossed out of school. Plus she wasn't a sociopath.
Cookies, hmm? Vivi lifted both hands under the blankets and made a sad face. Too far away. Too cold. Too many deep martyred sighs over having to share from the Head Girl. "Can you chuck one into my mouth from there?"
Louisa just grinned and started flipping through the book in her lap.
Sleeping with one eye open, that sounded pirate-y. "
Louisa. Just Louisa." She didn't want to be called by her last name even if playfully. "
No Carter, no Lou, no Head Girl. Just Louisa." Pause. "
Or Loulou." with a bigger GRIN that was directly aimed at Vivi this time.
And Vivi apparently didn't want to be expelled. Very useful, now Louisa didn't fear for the girl to break rules left and right
like Odessa. "
Great. I don't want to deal with more than one rules daredevil in my house." Her feet were tucked closer to her so that her legs served as her desk. But... she soon had to drop them since apparently the other girl was taking this hooded thing seriously.
I can do that!" Louisa
chirped replied excitedly, she loved challenges and this kind of... fun. Her body language must've showed it too because she pushed the book away and re-positioned her body so that she faced the other bed. A cookie in hand and closing one eye, "
Open wide and don't move." The cookie was being lifted and slowly moving to the right... then a bit to the left.. then up... slightly down... more left... and