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Minerva looked at the book again, "Well even if it is an enemy, with the way this sounds. They are going to try and...." just then she heard tapping loud tapping, shoes coming from... She looked at the door just as a lady with red hair came through the door. Not being at the feast Minerva wasn't sure who she was at first. Why on earth would someone just interrupt class like that. First the poor house elf now this. Then something hit Minerva, the brooch the elf was looking for, there was a new head this year, a mistress.. This must be here. Minerva quickly changed her look and looked back at her book.
Looking around the room she wondered what would make the headmistress so upset. They were doing their activity with their partners, yes the elf was still looking around for the brooch, but the students were busy with their work, wouldn't that make her happy. Minerva didn't want to stare so she looked back to her book quickly. "Ok, as I was saying, it looks like your enemies will be coming to pretend to be nice so they get gain on you, but in the end you will win and have a fortune." she smiled at Jen, that didn't sound to bad. "Either that or your future husband might first be your enemy, but will end up being your husband and you both will be successful." That sounded kind of fun as well.
"Yeah. Who knows what the future holds. No offence but, I don't really believe in the type of "dreams tell your future" stuff" Jen says with out sounding well, offensive.