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Old 10-01-2012, 09:22 PM   #36 (permalink)
Formerly: Harry174

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Originally Posted by DH Vixen View Post
Lana slowly sat down beside her twin and nodded. "Well, you made an effort and that is more than enough." It was a lot further than she had gotten herself, so Laura at least had that on her this time around. "Six floors isn't something you forget," she smiled.


Listening, Lana was trying to keep her cool. What kind of first year would have the nerve to do such a thing? "Well, people like her shouldn't have wands either! That was very disrespectful of her to take your wand. Plus even more rude to say such things to you then snap it." Seriously, if it was her it happened to, calling the girl a coward wouldn't have even been the start of it. "I'm sorry you had to get detention with that vile person," she frowned. The though of Laura in detention was something Lana was used to, but this time was different. "Okay, they will more than likely be upset. Very upset, but it wasn't like you knew this was going to happen." Accidents happen all the time.

Lana nodded her head in understanding and smiled a little. "At least you know where it is and it's always possible it could be fixed. Anything is possibe, right?" She would keep her fingers crossed for her sister though.
Laura looked at Lana and giggled for the first time since she had meet up with her sister, "Just think even if I had got up all the way to the Ravenclaw Common Room, I would have been stuck until someone came out from the Ravenclaw Common Room and I could have asked them to go into it since there was no way I could sneak into it." Laura nudged her sister.

"That's what I thought." Laura sighed, "Though I didn't say anything to any of the Professor since they probably would have took like a million points off me." Laura sighed. "I don't know even when I'm innocent they seem to like telling me off." Laura blushed. "I'm sure if someone blow up a door or something and I was there, I would be the one to get detention even though it wasn't me that did it." Laura was sure she was getting a reputation as a troublemaker though she had no idea why.

"I know that, but I'm still expecting them to ground me." Laura was sure her daddy would be the one to ground her, she didn't know why but he seemed to hate her, though saying that it was confusing because he would do things with her but then other times he would just ignore her and concentrate on Lana. "I love you twinnie." Laura hugged her twin sister. "I've missed you too." Laura had missed these sort of chats, they used to do them all the time.

"Maybe your right and maybe Professor Hadley can mend the wand, she is good at things, and she is a great Head of House." Laura smiled, yeah she was saying that Professor Hadley was a good Head of House though she was a bit mean, giving her a detention for no apparent reason.
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