SPOILER!!: Lafay
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Droo She turned to the child and glared. Was she trying to be patronizing? "Monsieur must not know that by simply carrying your cauldron to class, dust can settle inside it, and with a potion as delicate as this one, any outside particle can seriously harm it..." He could have also not taught difficult potions, or he probably didn't allow the students to test it on themselves...
"Alright, once the water is at a good boil, you should add the valerian root, and the Kava Kava... I store them both in liquid form, so it will just mix itself real easily. Who knows what these two ingredients are and what they do to their drinkers?" She asked the class
After collecting the supplies and lining them up on his table he took his wand and ignited the burner under the cauldron. As the water heated up the Ravenclaw watched the exchange between Vivi and the Professor. Huh yeah, Vivi Branxton is the daughter of former Potions Master Doyle Branxton. Interesting to hear how practices differ between Potioneers, if Vivi follows the former Professor's practices of course.
Vickers took the valerian root and kava-kava solutions and poured them into pot, watching the thin film of liquids dissolve into the boiling water. Now what are these two ingredients for? Up goes the hand
"Professor, these have been used as sedatives over the centuries, with Kava-kava also been used as an anesthetic. It is said that the Valerian has direct effects on the cerebro-spinal system while the Kava-kava at certain doses will paralyze the respiratory system." Research for Herbology applied to Potions. Win.